Touring can mean long shows and wear on your voice, extensive, tiring travel, and very little sleep. To last on tour and to set yourself up for all the different sounds you want to use on stage - I’m going to share three of my favorite tricks to use! This is of course valuable even for just one off shows, before or on auditions, with your students, and so on!
Number 1) Using slack folds to get a little rest and reset in your voice or set myself up for a more talky quality. If you’ve been around my block for a while, you know I LOVE slack folds for so many things! As the name reveals, your vocal folds are “slack” and relaxed and are just producing an irregular cycle with a bubbling, frying sound. In Estill Voice Training we call it slack folds but it’s also called vocal fry and glottal fry.
When we produce this sound, our voice parts often want to go to their neutral or mid position so it’s effective if you want to go back to your homebase so...