Is Belting Dangerous??

How often have you heard that belting can hurt your voice? It’s not the best rep for this beautiful, emotional voice quality and doesn’t necessarily put our minds where it needs to be. I’m not sure why this lie is out there, just because belting is a powerful, often louder, sound. If you yell all day long, yes, that would be tiring for your voice. But that is not belting, that is just yelling for a long time..

Like any voice quality, you want healthy technique and when you do belting right - it can have a rehabilitating effect on your voice! I’ll dive more into that another time.

There are many parts to consider for a sustainable, healthy belting technique. That’s why I created my course “Breaking Down The Belt”, to give singers all the tools and strategies they need to create their dream belt without just aiming for a louder, fuller sound and fall into bad habits of pushing air, closing the throat or running out of range. 

Here are...

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5 Obstacles that can hold us back from and Unlocking our Voice

Are you feeling like your vocal journey is stuck? We've all experienced those roadblocks. Many singers face obstacles that can hold them back from unleashing their true vocal potential. Let's talk about them!

Obstacle #1: Not Making Progress. 

Often this is just a belief BEFORE we start. Like it, won’t make a difference what you do, you just sound like this. But if you start exploring, you will experience a change in your voice! But sometimes we plateau and it can be disheartening. That’s often the case when we are getting more aware, so it’s a good thing really. I promise you, even Beyoncé had some setbacks practicing her riffs and runs Progress takes time and consistent effort. Keep going!

Obstacle #2: Admitting You Need to Work on Technique.

It would be great if we were born singing like Lady Gaga, right? But the truth is, even the greatest singers continuously work on their technique. It takes humility and courage to admit that we still have room...

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